Somebodys Been Wearing My Face Again

The Address Unknown logo
Address Unknown is a TV show which originally aired in the early 1990's. Its story revolves effectually John, a man who is continuously tormented by a murderer named John Mirra.
- ane Synopsis
- 2 Plot
- Transcript #1 (Episode airs in 2001, repeat broadcast)
- 2.2 Transcript #2 (Episode arrogance in 2003, echo circulate)
- 2.3 Transcript #3 (Episode airs in 2003, echo broadcast)
- ii.4 Transcript #four (Episode airs in 2003, echo broadcast)
- ii.v Transcript #v (Episode airs in 2003, repeat broadcast)
- 2.6 Transcript #6 (Episode arrogance in 2003, repeat circulate)
- 2.vii Transcript #vii (Final episode. Airs in 2003, repeat broadcast)
- 3 Behind the scenes
- iv Trivia
- v Appearances
- six Vocalism Actors
- 7 Video
Synopsis [ ]

John depicted in Noir York
The story is set in a fictional city called Noir York City – an obvious play on New York City. The primary character, John, explores the city in constant paranoia, explaining that he feels like he's being watched. John is portrayed as a human who has been apparently framed for the murder of his girlfriend by a serial killer named John Mirra.
Plot [ ]
Transcript #ane (Episode airs in 2001, echo broadcast) [ ]
Journalist: This week on Address Unknown...
Man: I don't desire to go in that location. Information technology'southward the concluding place I'd want to end up. But that's where I always end up anyway. Only, information technology'southward not me talking to the Pinkish Flamingo, but someone who looks the part downward to the finest detail, except that he'south evil. I'g hiding in the shadows, watching it all unfold.
Human being: The Flamingo speaks. It tin speak here. It says:
Flamingo: .mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN [Backwards-speech played forwards]
Human: That's "Mirrors are more fun than telly." Somehow I know this, just don't enquire me how.
[Evil laugh in the groundwork]
Man: And I — non me, simply my double — nods and smirks at this like it was the funniest thing in the world.
[A painful-sounding scream starts in the background]
Human being: And then something goes wrong. And suddenly they know I'm there, hiding behind them and they both turn to look at me with common cold eyes. And the Flamingo speaks again:
Flamingo: .thE mankind oF falleN angelS [Backwards-speech communication played forwards]
Human being: I have no idea what that means.
[A long scream starts in the background]
Man: And, that's when I always wake upwardly to my own scream, in that bright-lillied white hospital room, strapped to my bed.
Transcript #2 (Episode airs in 2003, echo broadcast) [ ]
Journalist: And now, Address Unknown.
John: I was trapped in a nightmare. My evil double had taken my girlfriend. Following him, I had somehow slipped into a twisted alternate reality, Noir York City. My double was John Mirra. He was the devil incarnate, a fallen angel.
Flamingo'southward voice: .thE flesH oF falleN angelS [Backwards-speech played frontward]
John: He was a serial killer. He had framed me for his murders. I was hiding in a inexpensive motel. One nighttime, I woke to a knock at the door. Someone slipped a annotation nether the door. It was a clue. I descended into a mystery, desperate to catch him, to observe my girlfriend, to save her. A labyrinth of my double's making, from one grisly murder scene to the next.
Journalist: Address Unknown continues.
Transcript #iii (Episode airs in 2003, repeat broadcast) [ ]
Announcer: Welcome back to our Return to Sender marathon, two days and two nights of the 90's cult series, Address Unknown, all the episodes in a row, a existent descent into madness.
John: I was lost in the streets of Noir York. The city had swallowed Mirra and my girlfriend. I was function of some elaborate game, complex for information technology's own sake.
John Mirra: Ha! Ha! Ha! ha!
John: Every time I looked over my shoulder, I saw a shadow disappearing behind the corner, or the glint of binoculars in a window. They were spying on me, following my every movement. When Mirra killed once more, the map of the city changed.
[Long woman's scream]
Like a shifting glacier, a new fissure appeared with every gunshot. I had abased all conventional methods of navigation. I was following the bloody signs he kept cleaving me, and he was watching me practice it.
Journalist: The next episode of Address Unknown, right later on the interruption in our Return to Sender marathon.
Transcript #4 (Episode airs in 2003, repeat broadcast) [ ]
Announcer: Accost Unknown continues.
[Phone rings]
John: Wherever I went, the pay phones started to ring. Finally, I collected enough courage to reply one.
Girlfriend: John? Yous must run. He is coming after you. He wants to catch you. They are closing in. John, I love yous. Don't give up. [She hangs up]
[John hangs up]
John: I wasn't going to give upward on her. I could hear her voice in my head wherever I went, guiding me. I traced my double to a classy uptown nightclub. 'Pink Flamingo'. It was happy hour, they were serving Flamingo cocktails. Somehow the Flamingo was tied to my double. A stripper in the bar looked just like my girlfriend. Mirra's men had constitute me. I ran.
Doctor: End him! There he goes! Stop him! Yous can't escape! We're coming to take you away! You have nowhere to run!
John: Mirra was an influential figure in Noir York. His men chased me. They wore white uniforms. They looked so make clean. They chased me in blackness vans with the logo of the Flamingo on them. I ran.
Transcript #five (Episode airs in 2003, repeat circulate) [ ]
John: Mirra's men had caught me. Their blackness van took me out of the urban center. The countryside was sickeningly pretty: The sun setting on a sweet summer day, rain sparkling on grass, birds in the copse, children playing. The Pinkish Bird Mental Plant. Mirra's men pretended to be hospital wardens.
Patient: The flesh. The flesh. I recollect I died. I think I'chiliad dead. I don't know. I don't know. Expiry is coming. It's coming. They're here. They're hither. Get away. Get abroad. I'chiliad gonna hurt you. I'm gonna hurt you.
John: They said I was an escaped mental patient.
Physician: Diagnosis: Paranoid Schizophrenic. You lot are insane, psychotic. You take to eat plenty of pills to get better.
John: They lied that I had killed my girlfriend. John Mirra came to mock me in the bathroom mirror.
John Mirra: [Evil laugh]
John: The flamingo was with him.
Flamingo: .mirrorS arE more than fuN thaN televisioN [Backwards-voice communication played forwards]
John: Mirra claimed my girlfriend had turned evil, joined him.
Flamingo: .shE haS dyeD heR hair reD [Backwards-speech played forwards]
[Frustrated scream]
John: I smashed the mirror. I'd impale them all.
Announcer: Stay tuned every bit Address Unknown continues.
Transcript #6 (Episode airs in 2003, echo broadcast) [ ]
Announcer: Address Unknown continues.
[John breathing heavily]
Doctor: Y'all have a tumor in your brain. Information technology'south making you mad. We're forced to operate... [Whir of drill] aggressively.
John: The fake doctors were trying to misfile me, saying I was John Mirra, pumping me full of drugs.
[He steals the drill from the doctor]
Doctor 1: No, no, none of that! Requite it dorsum! He'due south loose! He has the drill! Restrain him! No! No! Ahh! [Sound of drill existence used]
Doctor 2: All right at present! Easy... Easy, only mitt it over, there'due south a good boy! [Whir of drill] Hey! Stay back! No! Aghh! [Sound of drill being used]
John: I was in accuse, simply withal woozy from the drugs. I had to escape. I couldn't let them stop me.
Patient: Death is coming! Information technology's coming! He'southward coming! Get away! Go away! Aghh! [Sound of drill being used]
Other patient: The mankind! The flesh! Aghh! [Sound of drill being used]
Transcript #7 (Final episode. Airs in 2003, repeat broadcast) [ ]
Announcer: The mind-bending finale in our Return to Sender marathon. The last episode of Address Unknown always.
John: The poet Puddle, in his poem "Somebody'south been wearing my face again" wrote: 'In this hall of mirrors/Built by liars, I am a pale reflection of myself.' I had escaped from the Pink Bird Mental Institute. I was lost in Noir York City. I couldn't discover my style back habitation. John Mirra had made me a killer.
[Phone rings]
John: I had become him, John Mirra, maybe I had ever been him.
[He picks up the phone]
John Mirra: John Mirra?
John: Yes. This is he.
John Mirra: This is John Mirra. Welcome to the next level.
[Panicked Gasps]
Behind the scenes [ ]
- Sam Lake, the graphic symbol model for Max Payne in the start game, was used as the character model for John.
- The lyrics of the ending song to Max Payne 2, "Late Farewell", read: "Till' in the John mirror you stare at yourself grown one-time and weak." This is a likely reference to Accost Unknown.
- Accost Unknown appears to be a homage to the early 90's television show, Twin Peaks. Although the setting is vastly unlike, (with Twin Peaks taking identify in a small town in the Pacific Northwest, and Address Unknown set in Noir York City), in that location are several directly references. The first Address Unknown episode in Max Payne is the most obvious, with the Pinkish Flamingo character talking in the same backwards-recorded speech every bit the Homo from Another Place character in Twin Peaks, and a few of the visuals that are shown on the in-game television straight reference one of the locales in Twin Peaks: the otherworldly realm known as the "Red Room".
Both Twin Peaks and Accost Unknown as well have a reoccurring theme of doppelgängers, something that Sam Lake included a lot more than of in his next game, Alan Wake (which had many Twin Peaks references in it too). Additionally, in the chapter, "A Linear Sequence of Scares" in Max Payne 2, Max'southward opening internal monologue mentions that the Address Unknown Funhouse had been closed presently after the evidence'southward cancellation, mirroring Twin Peaks fate with the latter originally ending on an unresolved cliffhanger (the catastrophe to both shows are also fairly similar). Later on in the chapter, later on descending in an elevator, Max arrives in a room with a chevron floor blueprint taken straight from the same "Cerise Room".
Trivia [ ]
- in the weblog This House of Dreams, the author documents her moving to an old business firm in the town of Ordinary. In it she finds a shoebox, with photos of Thomas Zane and his wife, as well as pages with typed poems by Zane, as well as anotations made past him and his wife. In one of these, appears the House of Mirrors verse form. The poem is credited to Pool. this may indicate that either the testify likewise exists in the universe shared by Alan Wake, Quantum Break and Control. Or that, if Puddle is a fictional grapheme in the Max Payne universe, then he may be a real poet in the Alan Wake universe, the same way Alex Casey is Max Payne in the alan wake universe.
- There is too an abandoned funhouse based on Address Unknown out on Coney Island, which is also Mona Sax's hideout. Many lines from the TV show can be heard inside the place. The funhouse is eventually destroyed.
- The climax of the story tin can be heard from ii Cleaner commandos in the Address Unknown funhouse. One Cleaner states: "He's in the John and he looks in the mirror, and so it's similar John Mirra, and he's the killer himself."
- In The Bespeak DLC for the Remedy game, Alan Wake, there is a reference to Address Unknown that tin can be found after Alan Wake first receives the flashlight and pistol, when he can so look in the far left stall of the Oh Deer Diner's bathroom and run into the words 'Mirra was hither' written on the wall above the toilet.
Appearances [ ]
- Max Payne:
- Fear That Gives Men Wings
- Max Payne 2:
- Prologue
- The Depths of My Encephalon
- No 'U.s.' in This
- The Million Dollar Question
- Too Stubborn to Dice
- Love Hurts
Vocalisation Actors [ ]
Render to Sender Announcer
David O'Brien
John Mirra
Greg Sims
Mental Patient
Fred Berman
Ralph Byers
John'due south Girlfriend
Debra Sperling
Mike Moran
Matias Myllyrinne
Video [ ]
Address Unknown - The Complete Serial
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