What Are 5 Ways of Building Close Family Relationships

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan : 3. Values



Teacher name: Taskynbayeva Gulnur


Number nowadays:


Lesson championship

Family relationships ii (2)

Learning objectives(south) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Discipline programme)

  • 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

  • 5.S4 answer with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

  • 5.R9 recognise the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

  • 5.UE7 use uncomplicated perfect forms of common verbs to express what has happened [indefinite time] on a express range of familiar general and curricular topics

  • 5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

Lesson objectives

All leaners will exist able to:

know the members of family unit

talk almost his/her family;

Most leaners volition be able to:

use the data to write sentences which describe

people, places and objects;

Some leaners will be able to:

make sentences with simple perfect forms of common verbs;

find the evidence in the text to prove facts or opinions;

Cess criteria

  • Use the information to write sentences which depict

people, places and objects.

  • Provide unprepared spoken communication to answer a multifariousness of questions at sentence level with express flexibility.

  • Read the text and find the evidence in it to bear witness facts or opinions;

  • Apply present perfect tense in the context

  • Consider classmates' feedback and prepare personal learning objectives based on their feedback;

Level of thinking skills

College lodge thinking skills

Values links

Kazakh patriotism and civil responsibility, respect;

Cantankerous-curricular links

Russian, Kazakh

Previous learning

Family relationships 2 (one)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



0-5 min

5-seven min

seven-ix min


Warm up:

Leaners are divided into three groups by using pictures: group "A", group "B", group "C".

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

(W) Teacher shows some pictures of family members and gives question "who is this?". Leaners depict the pictures.

grandfather grandmother aunt

Uncle nephew niece



12-20 min

20-25 min

25-35 min

35-40 min

(D) Teacher introduces key words and interpret into native linguistic communication:

  • Grandfather – a та - дедушка

  • Grandmother – апа- бабушка

  • Aunt әпке -тетя

  • Uncle – көке- дядя

  • Nephew – жиен (ұл)- племяник

  • Niece – жиен (қыз ) - племяница

Students repeat subsequently teacher and try to recollect.

(D) Teacher introduces the new gramma structure – Present Perfect.

Subject +

to have +

V 3/ed +


Present Perfect used to limited deportment that happened at an unspecified fourth dimension or that began in the past and continue in the present. The exact time is not important.


  • Nosotros have bought a new car.

  • She has cooked a dinner.

  • I have finished my work.

  • He has read a mag.

Task 1. (I)

Writing iii

Leaners should make up sentences and write downward used present perfect with back up. For examples:

This is my grandfather. He has read a book.


A leaner:

  • describe the pictures;

  • brand sentences with simple perfect forms of common verbs.

Appraise by giving a "green star"

Task 2(G and W)

Reading 9

Jigsaw method.

Leaners must read the text "Stephan's family". So retell the text to each other. After retelling whole grade should identify "True" or "False".

This is my dad. He is the computer programmer. He is dauntless, stiff and friendly. He likes travelling. Mum works in the Science Museum in London. She is a guide. She likes to exist well-dressed. Her favourite colours are green and light blue. She is very kind and loving. She likes reading, cooking and spending her gratis time with me and my little sister Ann. (group A)

Ann is 5 years one-time. She is curious and talkative. She likes butterflies and everything that is pink and purple. Paul is my uncle. He is my begetter'southward brother. He is taxi commuter. He is very smart and intelligent. He doesn't similar formal apparel at all. He prefers to habiliment jeans, pullovers and trainers. (grouping B)

My granddad is an engineer. He enjoys gardening and a game of ping-pong. He doesn't unremarkably talk much. He is responsible, independent and wise. My grandma is a librarian. She is the greatest granny in the globe! She is very polite and tactful. She is very interested in history and literature. They say we are a close family. Nosotros try to spend our gratuitous time. (group C)

" True or faux"



1.Stephan's dad is the computer programmer.

2. Stephan'southward mum likes to exist well-dressed.

three.His uncle is an engineer.

four. Ann likes butterflies and everything that is pink and purple.

5. His granddad ordinarily talks much.

6. His grandma is a teacher.


A leaner:

  • read the text and analyze

  • retell the text to each other

  • utilize comprehension bank check

Teacher gives feedback orally

Chore three(K)

Speaking 4

Method "question box"

Leaners should requite reply the questions about Stephan'south family unit.

  1. What are Stephan's mother'southward favourite colour? What are your mother'due south favourite colour?

  2. What does his sis like? Do you take sister or blood brother?

  3. What does his uncle usually wear? What do you lot usually wearable?

  4. What does his granddad relish doing? What do you lot savor doing?

  5. What does his grandma practice? Do you lot have grandma? How old is she?

  6. What are the main characteristics of the members of Stephan'southward family? How do you spend your costless time?


A leaner:

  • answer the questions correctly

Assess past giving a "red star" for right answer


Savour English for five

Students volume (2012)


Handout 1

Handout two


xl-45 min

Giving feedback past "Traffic lite"


  • show greenish sticker, if they liked the lesson

  • show yellow sticker, if they understand the lesson

  • show ruddy sticker, if they understand nothing


  • assesses by method thumb.

Home task:

Write five sentences by using simple perfect forms of mutual verb.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you lot plan to give more support? How practice y'all program to challenge the more than able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners' learning?

Health and safety check

Chore 2. Weaker learners tin can identify "Truthful" or "Simulated" later on reading. More able learners analyzed given text and retold.

Task 3. Support questions will exist given to the weaker learners to identify the answer correctly and talented students will answer unexpected comments.

Leaners will be formatively assessed afterwards each job past green and red stars depending on the difficulty of the chore and teacher'southward feedback at the end of the lesson.

Wellness saving technologies.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If non, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the infinite below to reverberate on your lesson. Answer the almost relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would accept improved the lesson (consider both education and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


Source: https://videouroki.net/razrabotki/lesson-plan-5-grade-family-relationships-2-2.html

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